September 16, 2019

It´s not a Diet, It´s a Lifestyle

Mediterranean Lifestyle

«Mediterranean Diet», brought to you by Byología y Nutrición 2, is a brand new dog food line based in the milenary tradition of its country of origin: Spain.

But, what is Mediterranean Diet really about ?

It is an eating plan passed down from generation to generation over thousands of years. In a sense, it could be considered a mass culture which indeed is acknowledged as intangible cultural heritage of humanity by UNESCO.

We are talking about a balanced heart-healthy diet, and one of its main differentiating feautures is the source of fat: Virgin Olive Oil.

All the ingredients that make up this diet have a common charachteristic: Healthfulness. Besides olive oil, we have some other key components that bring many benefits to our health, such as high quality proteins and whole grains.

However, the meditarranean diet is not only a culinary topic. It is also a lifestyle in which good hydration and physical activity have a great deal of importance too.

It has changed over time and adapted to new generations but always remaining faithful to its essential nature, consisting of the above mentioned values and nutritional properties of wondeful olive oil.

These benefits have not gone unnoticed in the United States. For instance the 2017 edition of anual summit «Healthy Kitchens, healthy , Healthy lives», hosted in Napa Valley by The American Culinary Institute and The Harvard T.H. CHAN School of Public Health and intended to be a scientific forum to discuss and exchange views about the ratio between eating habits and health, was exclusively devoted to meditarranean diet.

If it is so beneficial for our health, why not trying to bring those benefits to our pets?

It is quite easy, since dogs are omnivorous animals and therefore need a varied, balanced diet, which happens to be the core of mediterranean diet. High quality proteins, whole grains and high nutritional value fats like Virgin Olive Oil. This is the mix that will allow our pets to enjoy a high quality of life and benefit from this milenary lifestyle so studied and tested over thousands of years.

Therefore, we bring you the best for them: A healthy diet and an active living that, put together, will let you enjoy your furry friend in the purest mediterranean style.

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